Monday, April 25, 2011


Our ancestors lived and survived on their instincts. Bushmen of 
Africa still do. They can see and read signs that are invisible to the 
rest of us. But they can read the whole chapter of it. The animal tracks, the
twists of a shrub, can tell the tale of a limping creature, its weight,
direction and speed of travel and therefore its location. The Japanese warrior could hit a target with his arrow without looking. An unique awareness of the environment.
At one with nature.

Imagine the truth about the Universe and all that is and exists, 
the creation and evolution, the story of yesterday, today and tomorrow, 
were all around us. Occasionally we see a sign of it for this language is 
a language of signs. Visual or signs through emotions. Some of us only 
understand or recognize a few random letters of its alphabet. But imagine 
that it really exists and if we could master it. everything is linked to 
everything, nothing exists in isolation. Like letters making words and 
sentences making pages and books. 

The universe is a collective and we are one tiny cell within it. The Universe
is both the creation and the creator. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What a curse is Passion without Fire.

Calm. All is calm again for now.
Overwhelming nothingness. I am not angry or disappointed really.
I don't feel anything right now. I should be worried. But I am not.
It is not that I don't care because I do. It is not fear, I am too reckless.
Is everyone in your life acting a part? I had a dream. Everyone you 
meet is from another another life, a parallel world. In each world 
everyone else exists for the sake of one person. all the extras and the 
cast know the plot and the ending except the hero. The main character. 
This is all happening at the same time to all of us. We are all living one life.

My mind shifts.
There are signs everywhere. The headline we may casually glance at.
The graffiti on the wall. The News on TV. At the show or dinner something 
jumps out into your mind. A person you meet in the super market who 
makes a random comment. 
Sometimes you see things that remind of other things. 
Sometimes you see things no one else does. None of it is by chance.
Even whatever you think you remember of your dreams. 

The thoughts mingle. The random, the profound and abstract blur into one
and out of this chaos an idea or understanding is born.
Seeing order out of chaos of information. seeing order out of the chaos of 
visual pollution. And in that moment I experience calm. A smile in my mind.
A sign from the sublime. Everything had to fall into place for this moment in 

Broken Glass Confetti

I am lost to this world. Thrown into a game I do not want to play. 
But I love life, I see its beauty in every crack on the wall, in the 
seed of the flower and in the dew that sits on its petal. The bees, 
the birds, yes they are all lovely and alive. but I am drawn to the 
unknown, the hidden, the neglected, the unseen, the forgotten 
and the forbidden. Most of all the forbidden. I am so absorbed into 
this other world, the micro world of being, that I no longer see 
the norm, the obvious. I can not exists in my world. It doesn't 
sustain life. I did not subscribe to the rat race, I don't belong to this 
place and I don't know where else to go. I am running out of air. 

I loved, I laughed, I reached out and I touched and all I got was a 
cold stare. A silent snare. And I know I've been loved and I've been 
touched and I've been so grateful for all that I got. 
I cannot help feeling alien. People seem to know something about 
me that I don't. I feel it all the time and it's unsettling. I have felt this 
for a long time and it is getting stronger. They are too careful and 
considerate towards me. It is like I am a book they have all read and 
know my fate. I have an uneasy feeling it was not a happy ending 
but a good read none the less. Nothing is ever said, but I can read it 
in their eyes and their ways.

I love people. I want to hug them all but they pull away. Can't get too 
close. I would do anything for a stranger who needs my help or just a favor. 
I guess I never understood any of the rules but I follow them. 
Sometimes I think may be we all feel this way. It is normal. Wishful thinking.
Even if it was true, how can it help me?

It is cold out here. Desolate. Arctic. I want to shout. Scream. 
Can anyone show me the way? 
The unspoken rule is that I must work it out by myself. 
I am drifting further away.

I have become like the invisible Art I see every where. In the broken city, 
in the junk yards, from every corner they scream at me to save them 
from obscurity. And now I am the obscure. 
Trapped in the cracks. 

Seek me out when you pass by the walls. When you see the scratches and 
the chipped souls.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Construction of a Nation - Portraits of UAE

Portraits of People of UAE often juxtaposed with construction 
and Industrial environments tell a story of transformation from 
a nomadic culture to a modern cosmopolitan nation.
The rise of a proud and brave people who have embraced 
changed while maintaining their heritage and identity.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A whisper falls from my cry.

No one can hear my silent cry? Not the deaf, the
blind, loved ones nor even God? It is indifference 
and injustice that are killing the human kind. 
The promise of happiness and the illusion of freedom.
Who turned us into pawns in this checkered board 
of days and night?

Storm through the clouds

From the clouds it galloped majestically free.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

You, who sprays and glues messages and images on the walls.
You are just a brush in the bigger canvas. These walls have seen 
many stories come and go and they have their own stories to tell. 
Hidden in every crack and scratch is a story.